-$27.67 in overdraft fees and $347.67 bucks in savings.

As I reluctantly logged onto my chase account to check it for the 12th time that day I couldn't help but think how in the hell I ended up here.

-$27.67 in overdraft fees and $347.67 bucks in savings.

I felt like a real winner...

That was December 9th 2015.

I was scheduled to speak to a group of aspiring entrepreneurs later that day about my "accomplishments" in the real state industry and how they could build their business using social media to do the same.

I battled with my self image a lot the weeks leading up to the event because I had never spoken in front of so many people about something that I felt like I was still trying to figure out myself.

Yet, I agreed to do it anyways. I was all about getting out of my "comfort zone" much like I am today, the only difference was that then I didn't know why I should intentionally make myself uncomfortable.

It wasn't until a 7 months or so later that I found the secret to why, hidden in a book I was listening to on audible.

That book spoke about firing yourself from as many positions as possible as you build your business. Something I had never heard of before.

It went on to tell me how I need to work ON my business, not IN it. Another interesting concept.

It wasn't until midway through the book that everything started to make sense.

So much so that I stopped everything I was doing and booked a flight to Seattle set to fly out the next day.

Why? Because, I had to get away. I had to remove myself from my business, even if it meant forcing myself too.

You see I was working ridiculously long hours every day and spending most of my time obsessed with my business thinking that any minute it would completely fall apart unless I spent every waking hour to get it right.

I never was a "fast learner" and it took my MANY times to read over things before they started to make sense.

BUT, once they became clear I took action immediately. That's honestly about the only way I think I was able to be successful.

Just by acting on my ideas.

But enough about that, back to the book!

It’s called The 4 Hour Workweek.

I think you’ll enjoy it and let me know your thoughts if you’ve already read it!

Take Care

AdviceRonnie GeorgeComment