Where are all the buyers...

That question in of itself is assuming that buyers are only in one location. 

That they congregate in one space while excluding all others.

This simply is not true.

A buyer or seller is no more than someone actively wanting to accomplish a goal.

That goal just happens to be related to real estate.

They still buy things, browse the internet and all around function like everyone else.

Treating them like an elusive creature that operates in a different manner than the rest of us is the problem for most.

Instead of trying to pinpoint where a buyer and seller are, advertise where everyone is.

The only difference should be the messaging and display.

Instead of speaking to a specific person, show that specific person what they are looking for and let them self identify.

By engaging with the ads they essentially raise their hand and say “I’m interested in this”.

Here in lies the second mistake most agents make after an individual raises their hand.

They assume that interest means motivation. When in fact, they are completely separate.

Motivation moves people. 

Interest captivates them.

So, the ideal approach should be to captivate an audience by using what they are interested in.

Continue to do so consistently and transparently.

Over time most of those that expressed interest will move on with their lives and never buy or sell a thing.

While others will continue down the path of captivation and conjure up motivation that will cause them to take action.

Being that you are the one doing the captivating you’ll have the best chances of assisting the motivated.

Position yourself to be their best option at every opportunity and do so without fail.

This is the recipe for success.