The road to success along the path of your potential

Success isn’t a line that’s straight. It’s curvy, filled with bends, turns and breaks. Sometimes we get so far off track that we forget we were even on a path to success in the first place.

Our goal might move, sway, shrink or expand. One minute we want to be the best in our field, known to all within the industry and the next we want to give it all up and walk away.

The road to to success is a difficult one, and while difficult it’s necessarily difficult because it’s not only a road to success, it’s the path to our potential.

You see I’ve been selling real estate for the past 17 years and I’ve realized that I get more fulfillment helping others succeed than I do succeeding myself.

I enjoy helping others reach their potential and in the end that’s what success is all about, for me at least.

We all have different ideas of what success may be. To some it’s more freedom, others more money, investment properties or notoriety.

Whatever it may be we all have an image of what success looks like, a fuzzy little dream hidden in the fog of our minds.

And it’s my job to clear that fog and to help build a path to reach the goal.

Guiding, teaching and coaching along the way. Kind of like telling you where to step and where not to step.

What to look out for, what to not get distracted by, etc.

And my advice to you is this. If you find yourself lost, pause and take inventory of what you’ve gained along the way. Skills, experience, knowledge, etc.

Then remember why you’re on the path in the first place. What are you trying to accomplish? Are things going in your favor? Are you happy and fulfilled or miserable and confused?

Maybe you’re gotten off track, or maybe you’re on the right path and are continually making progress.

Whatever it may be, wherever you are in your journey just know that you’re exactly where you are suppose to be in this moment.

So take time to appreciate the process, remind yourself that you’re on a journey to success along the path of your potential.