Never become a one-trick pony

As much as I love selling real estate and helping our agents sell real estate I can’t help but impress the narrative that one should never put all your eggs in one basket.

There are so many ways to make money and build a career than pigeon holing yourself into one particular niche isn’t necessarily the most appropriate approach to getting out of the rat race.

A realtor makes money by selling and assisting with the purchase of real estate and I can’t help but notice the desperation in posts and overall tonality of realtors throughout the country.

They are coming with scare tactics to encourage others to do what they want in order to obtain sales, or at the very least inform others of current market conditions while being oblivious to the outlook of current and future home owners given the fears of recession, rising interests rates, etc.

When you have to resort to pressure, scare tactics and outright insults to get others to do something its really time to take a step back and see if what you are encouraging is actually wanted by your potential client.

Instead of pressure, offer guidance and reassurance. Build credibility with your audience and potential clients through informative and helpful posts and videos that give step-by-step guidance on how to solve a problem.

Gone are the tactics “contact me to see how” just give people what they want and actually show you know what you are talking about instead of doing some old school “bait and switch, click here to input your email and phone number, etc”

Additionally, realtors can make so much money outside of sales specifically.

There’s ways to splinter your offers to offset your income that remain within the real estate realm.

Things like marketing, videography, real estate investing, whole sailing, lead generating, lead cultivation and numerous other activities besides sales.

So if you are an agent that’s struggling to obtain business yourself I’d encourage you to revaluate your approach to sales. Start assisting teams within your office on some of the above mentioned items.

Better yet get creative with your offers and be creative with your marketing instead of doing the same old thing that everyone has heard.

Try discount offers that make themselves up on the back end, do one time offers that provide an obscenely good opportunity for a buyer or homeowner that’s too good to pass up.

In difficult times you have to be creative. So stop pressuring your potential clients or making them feel uneducated or less than because they aren’t taking advantage of the market for the sole purpose of them to connect with you to solve their problem.

Be an advocate, advise, assist and guide people.